Canvas - Collaborations and Conferences
The Collaborations and Conferences tools are reviewed in this FAQ.

- Open up Canvas then a specific course that you want to work in.
- Select the Collaborations link from the course navigation menu.
- If you have been invited to join a collaboration it will appear on this screen with a join button.
- To start a NEW collaboration select the button at the top with the same name.
- Define the method of collaboration, if it will be on Google Drive or Microsoft Office 365.
- Define a name for the document and add a description if you wish.
- Below you can then select the people or groups that you wish to collaborate with.
- Select the Start Collaborating button when done. This will generate a copy of the document in Canvas and the selected platform for the shared document, Google or Microsoft.
- If you wish to edit your collaborations, select the edit pencil icon to the right of the collaboration.
- If you wish to delete the collaboration, select the trash can delete icon at the right of the collaboration. You will be asked if you wish to delete JUST from Canvas or Canvas and the selected platform, Google or Microsoft.

- Open up Canvas then a specific course that you want to work in.
- In the course navigation menu select BigBlueButton.
- On this page you will see the Conferences or Communications within each course that you can participate in or ones that you have created. Depending on your class CVTC offers other more common forms of conferencing.
- To Create a new Conference select the + Conference blue button.
- When you create a new Conference you need to name it, determine the time limit and if it is recorded, a description and what members to invite.