Microsoft Teams - Manage Notifications

Teams Notifications

  1. Click the ..., in the upper right hand corner.
    Click Settings.
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  3. Click Notifications, on the left side.
    Use the buttons and drop downs to customize the notifications for each section.
  4. MSteamsNotifications02

Channel Notifications

What is a Channel?

In Microsoft Teams, teams are groups of people brought together for work, projects, or common interests.

Teams are made up of two types of channels — standard (available and visible to everyone) and private (focused, private conversations with a specific audience). Each channel is built around a topic like "Team Events," a department name, or just for fun. Channels are where you hold meetings, have conversations, and work on files together.

The tabs at the top of each channel link to your favorite files, apps, and services.

  1. Click ..., next to the appropriate Channel.
    Click Channel Notifications.
    • You can quickly turn on or off ALL notifications or click Custom to customize the notifications.
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  3. You can customize the following notifications:
    • All new posts: will notify you each time someone starts a new conversation in the channel
    • Include all replies: will notify you any time someone replies to a conversation
    • Channel mentions: will notify you whenever someone @mentions the channel
  4. Notification Types:
    • Banner and feed: will send notifications to your device and to Activity at the top left of the Teams app.
    • Only show in feed: will skip sending notifications to your desktop and will only show up in your activity feed.
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Related Articles:

Overview of Teams and Channels

cvtc microsoft team teams weekly week tip tips trick tricks notifications notification manage update change channel update custom customize setting settings notify 
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Jessica C. in Chippewa Valley Technical College
Chippewa Valley Technical College