SharePoint - Copy link

Audience: Commons content owners tasked with creating their group's SharePoint site.


In order to add a link to a Text Web Part or Quick Links Web Part, the Copy a link item can be used. It is important to check the permission level on the link to ensure only View access is selected.

Create a link

  1. From the Document Library, hover over the file and click the kebab (1), three dots, then click Copy link (2).

  2. Note: The link defaults to giving Edit permission. For files shared on Commons this permission should be set to View instead.
    Click People in Chippewa Valley Technical College with the link can edit >.

  3. Under Other settings, click Can edit (1). Click Can view (2) from the choices shown.

    Note: (A) If sharing from Commons, the link will not be available to anyone outside of CVTC.
    (B) The default choice for sharing and is used most often when copying a link.
    (C) Permission will be set from the Document Library.
    (D) Add specific CVTC employees to edit or view.

  4. Verify the link audience and the Other settings. Click the Apply button.

  5. Click the Copy button to copy the link.

  6. The link can be pasted into the Link location from the hyperlink in the Text web part or into the Quick Links web part.

Keywordsintranet, mycvtc, cpd, sharepoint, copy link, share   Doc ID121856
OwnerJohn C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2022-10-13 08:52:06Updated2023-12-05 14:20:35
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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