Proofpoint Email FAQ

Why are we switching email filters?
Students only have basic email security and suffer a significant number of attacks every year. Proofpoint, an industry leader, has offered to cover their mailboxes at no additional cost. For the first time since we migrated our email to Office365 students will benefit from the same protection we offer to employees.

Is Proofpoint a quality mail filter?
Forrester and Gartner trusted vendor-neutral review organizations, rank Proofpoint as an industry leader. After doing our research and hands-on testing wetend to agree.

When are we switching email filters?
December 19th.

How was the cutover date decided?
There are several consulted stakeholders but primarily we line up our technical staff with partner resources and then clear the date with Student Services to make sure there are no events we might disrupt.

How will the transition work?
Email is an old, and rigid technology. We have no choice but to cutover all mail flow from Mimecast to Proofpoint at once.

Will there be a service disruption?
There could be a few minutes when the flow of mail is delayed, but we are not anticipating any noticeable customer experience issues with Outlook Online connectivity.

How do I access Proofpoint?
You will receive an email notifying you that Proofpoint isnow filtering your email that will contain instructions on how to access it. KB articles will also be available to assist with navigation.

Will I have to create a separate account as I did with Mimecast?
No, Proofpoint uses our new Microsoft single sign-on portal.

What will the experience be like after the cutover to Proofpoint?
It will take time to dial in the right settings for CVTC. Employees may notice more junk mail making it into their inboxes, or legitimate emails blocked by the filter. Students will be logging into a portal for the first time to manage to filter. Email is a critical service and migrating to Mimecast was not painless, this will not be either. The benefits are long-term gains to our security posture and reducing interruption of the student learning experience.

What happens to the email that is in Mimecast?
Employees will have access to the Mimecast portal until March 2023 to retrieve filtered emails.

Will my Mimecast settings transfer over to Proofpoint?
Filter settings for explicitly allowing or denying email cannot be directly migrated. However, in our testing Proofpoint outperformed Mimecast and we are anticipating less of a need for most employees to micromanage their filter settings. That being stated if you do receive an important email, it never hurts to add the senders to an “always allow” list to ensure business continuity.

Why is this communication being sent out so close to the cutover date?
The service only becomes available in a usable fashion after the cutover has been made. There were no pre-emptive measures that could have been taken toreduce the risk or impact of the change.

If I have a problem, question, or concern who do I contact?
Please call the CVTC service desk or self-submit a ticket and your request will be routed to the appropriate and most available IT staff member.

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Keywordscvtc spam email e-mail e mail filter filters mime cast proof point proofpoint   Doc ID123109
OwnerJessica C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2022-12-19 12:39:01Updated2022-12-19 12:50:32
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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