Surplus Store - Opening/Closing Procedures

Opening Procedures:

  • Set signs by main front door, top of stairs, and hallway to the store.
  • Get credit card machine from Cashier Office.  Hook up.
  • Add 1 of each item for sale to the rolling table, if they aren’t there yet.
  • Move display table out to hallway.
  • Get iPad ready.

Closing Procedures: 

  • Return Card reader and all receipts to Cashier Office.
  • Bring all signs back down to our storage area.
  • Bring display table back into storage room.
  • Clean off bench.
  • Sweep surplus area.

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Keywordssurplus tech technology store open close closing procedure procedures clean cleaning   Doc ID136181
OwnerJessica C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2024-03-21 10:44:02Updated2024-03-21 10:58:19
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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