Apple mobile device passcode FAQs

We occasionally receive questions regarding passcodes on managed Apple devices. Below are some of the most common ones.

Why is there a passcode requirement on my managed Apple device?
Your privacy and the security of your data is important to us. Setting a random, difficult to guess passcode on your devices provides an array of protections that aid in securing your data. Your passcode should prevent someone that isn't intended to have access to your device from using it without your permission. The passcode requirement applies to everyone at the College with a managed device assigned to them.

Why do you require at least six random characters in the passcode?
With the release of iOS 9 in 2015, six characters became Apple's standard minimum recommended passcode length. We adopted the six character passcode as our required standard shortly afterward. A four digit numeric passcode can have 10,000 possible combinations, where increasing the number of digits by just two characters increases the number of possible combinations to 1,000,000. While six random digits is our minimum requirement, you are welcome to set a more complex, random passcode that also contains alphanumeric characters. To set a passcode containing alphanumeric characters, select Custom Alphanumeric Code in the Passcode Options in Settings > Passcode.

Why will my device be erased after a threshold of failed passcode attempts has been reached?
Beginning at the fifth incorrect passcode entry, delays with increasing durations are imposed before further attempts can be made to unlock the device. At minimum, 21 minutes of continuous unlock attempts would be needed before the threshold for erasure would be met. This assumes the person making the attempts is intently watching and waiting for the delays to expire and in reality likely translates to a longer period of time before a device reaches the incorrect passcode entry limit.

For more information regarding passcodes and Apple Platform Security, please refer to the following article:

KeywordsiOS iPadOS   Doc ID108875
OwnerDaniel W.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2021-02-05 10:00:19Updated2021-02-05 10:54:26
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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