Microsoft Teams - View and Pin Team's Channel

Change the Team View

  1. Click Teams > Settings > Switch view.
  2. Teams, Settings, Switch View

  3. Click General.
    Choose Grid or List, under Layout.
    • Your current view is indicated with a purple like under the layout name.
  4. General, Grid or list

Pin a Team or Channel

Pinned channels stay at the top of the list so you don’t have to hunt them down.

  1. Click Teams > ... > Pin
    • Tip: Once you pin a channel, drag it into the order you want. If you do this for several channels, you'll have all your pinned channels conveniently placed.
  2. Pin01

Unpin a Team or Channel

  1. Click Teams > ... > Unpin
  2. UnPin01

Hide a Team or Channel

If you don't want a team or channel to show in your teams list, hide it. This is a great way to clean up your list and focus on the teams and channels you're active in.

  1. Click Teams > ... > Hide
  2. Hide01

Show a Team or Channel

When you join a new team, it's automatically shown in your teams list. If you're a member of a team but you don't see it, do the following:

  1. Click Teams > ... > Show.
  2. Show01

Related Articles:

Show, hide, or pin a team or channel
Reorder the teams list

Keywordscvtc team teams view pin viewing pinning channel views list grid   Doc ID114884
OwnerJessica C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2021-11-16 14:19:24Updated2021-12-16 09:31:18
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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