Microsoft Teams - Change Status & Status Message

Change Status

Teams will automatically set the status in some cases, like when you’re in a call. To explicitly set it yourself, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on your picture, in the upper right hand corner.

  2. Click on your current status.
    Click new status.
    • See below for Status Definitions.

Status Definitions:

  • Available - when you’re active in Teams and don’t have anything in your calendar (no meetings or calls, for example). Note that Teams will automatically set your status from Available to Away when you lock your computer or when it enters idle or sleep mode. On mobile, this will happen when the Teams app is in the background.
  • Busy - when you want to focus on something, and you do want notifications to pop up. If you’re in a meeting or call, Teams will automatically change your status to In a meeting or In a call (Busy) when not set to Do not disturb.
  • Do not disturb - when you want to focus or present your screen and don’t want notifications to pop up.
  • Be right back - when you want to say you’re temporarily away. It’s never set automatically.
  • Appear away - when you need to work without responding right away.
  • Appear offline - when you want to indicate that you're not signed in to Teams, so will not be responding until you're back online. You'll still receive notifications if anyone messages you.

Set Status Message

Set a Status Message in Teams to give people more information about what you are up to. To set the Status Message, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on your picture, in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click Edit status message.
    Type in your Message.
    Check Show when people message me.
    Chose when you want the message to clear/expire.
    Click Done.

Related Articles:

Change your status in Teams
Set your status message in Teams

Keywordscvtc set availability available team teams microsoft busy do not disturb dnd be right back brb appear away appear offline status   Doc ID115286
OwnerJessica C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2021-12-16 15:12:44Updated2021-12-16 16:02:48
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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