SharePoint - Manage access

Audience: Commons content owners tasked with creating their group's SharePoint site.


Files and folders can be shared with other users. The items have direct permissions set in SharePoint. In addition, links can be generated to give permission to other groups or individuals. The Manage access feature can be used to determine if the correct permissions are set.

Manage Access

  1. From the Document Library, hover over the file or folder and click the kebab (1), three dots, then click Manage access (2).

    Note: Permissions on folders apply to all items within unless permissions are set on underlying items.
  2. (A) There may be links shown under the Links giving access section. Permission for the links are shown below the link. These permissions cannot be changed. If they need to be adjusted a new link can be generated. The existing link(s) can be removed or remain on the item.
    (B) These settings set Direct access to the item. Some permissions are set by default and cannot be adjusted. Generally permissions are set in the Links giving access area.

Links giving access

  1. This link is used to share a file or folder with view permission to People in Chippewa Valley Technical College with the link. 
    If a link to the item is to be shared with the same group with the same permission the Copy button (1) can be used to copy the existing sharing link.
    The link can be viewed or removed by clicking the meatball (2), three dots, to view more options.
    A new link can be generated and sent to individuals email using the Share button (3).

Remove link

  1. To remove a link, click the more options button (2 above).
    Click the X icon.

    Click the Delete link button to confirm the link will be removed.


  1. To share an additional link, click the Share button (3 above).
    (A) Send a link via email using the group and permissions as shown.
    (B) Copy the link using the group and permissions as shown.

Direct access

  1. Direct access to a file or folder can be set. This is generally used if users navigate directly to the file using SharePoint instead of a link.
    New users can be added by clicking the + icon (1).
    Permissions can be changed for existing groups by clicking the icon next to the group (2) and selecting the permission level (3).

Keywordsintranet, mycvtc, cpd, sharepoint, manage access, share   Doc ID121864
OwnerJohn C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2022-10-13 11:12:40Updated2023-12-05 14:21:48
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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