Microsoft Forms - Creating a New Form

Microsoft Forms is utilized to create and distribute surveys, quizzes, and feedback forms to students and faculty, facilitating data collection and analysis within the college.


Individuals or teams looking create and distribute compliant forms to internal stakeholders integrated into Microsoft Office 365.


Microsoft Forms is a web-based app that allows users to create and share customized surveys, quizzes, and feedback forms. This tool can be utilized to gather feedback, knowledge checks, or to obtain data for research purposes. Before being published, Forms can be shared with individuals or groups for corroborative form creation and viewing of results. Data is collected and summarized within the Form or can be saved directly to Excel. Data can be further manipulated using Power Automate.

Types of Forms

A New Quiz provides options to assign point values to questions and enable automatic grading, making it suitable for assessments and evaluations.

A New Form is better suited for gathering feedback and general data collection.

Both formats can be created within an individual's OneDrive or group forms can be created in the shared file space of Teams or SharePoint.

Forms Location

There are several locations that can be used to create a Microsoft Form.

  • Microsoft 365 Forms Dashboard
  • My forms
  • Group Forms
  • OneDrive, Teams, or SharePoint

Forms are only visible from the Forms Dashboard. If a Forms for Excel is created, the Excel results file will be visible from OneDrive, Teams, or SharePoint; however the form would need to be edited from the Forms Dashboard. Additionally the results file is not deleted if the Form is deleted.

Creating New Forms

Microsoft 365 Forms Dashboard

  1. When logged into Microsoft online, click the waffle (1) then Forms (2).

    This will bring up the Forms dashboard within Microsoft 365.

  2. Click the drop-down arrow (1) and then New Form (2) or click the New Quiz button.

My forms

  1. When logged into Microsoft online, click the waffle (1) then Forms (2).

  2. Click the All My Forms link.

  3. Click the New Form or the New Quiz button.

Group Forms

  1. When logged into Microsoft online, click the waffle (1) then Forms (2).
  2. Under the My groups area, click the group in which you want to create a form. The form will be shared with everyone in the group to edit and view the results.

  3. Click the drop-down arrow (1) and then New Group Form (2) or click the New Group Quiz button.

OneDrive, Teams, or SharePoint

  1. Click the New button (1) then Forms for Excel (2).

    Note: In Teams the New button (2) is available from the Files tab (1).

    In SharePoint the New button (2) is available when viewing a document library, Documents (1) in this instance.

planner, office, form, forms, teams, sharepoint, onedrive, ed tech, edtech 
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John C. in Chippewa Valley Technical College
Chippewa Valley Technical College