Turnitin Draft Coach

Turnitin Draft Coach is a valuable tool that provides detailed feedback, helps prevent plagiarism, offers personalized writing guidance, assists with revisions, and builds confidence in writing abilities.


Students using Turnitin Draft Coach as part of Google Docs or Microsoft Word Online to check their writing.


Turnitin Draft Coach is designed for students seeking assistance with their writing assignments. It offers a range of features that help students improve their writing skills and produce high-quality work. There are three tools as part of Turnitin Draft Coach: similarity checker, citations checker, and grammar guide. Each of these tools is available in Google Docs and Microsoft Word Online when using your CVTC account.

Access Turnitin Draft Coach

Turnitin Draft Coach uses an extension within Google and Microsoft Online. The extension is not compatible with iPad or Android apps. In order to use Turnitin Draft Coach the document needs to be opened in a browser on the device. Follow the instructions to open Turnitin Draft Coach on an iPad

Microsoft Word Online

  1. Click the Microsoft Waffle (1) and select Word (2).

  2. Open an existing document or select Blank document. Turnitin works by checking the document after text has been entered. The similarity check can be run up to three times per document. Citations and grammar can be checked as often as needed.

  3. Click the Turnitin menu item.

  4. Click the Draft Coach icon to open the toolbar. **Note: If you have a pop-up blocker enabled, you may receive an error message. Be sure to allow pop-ups on the page to resolve this.**

  5. Click the Get Feedback Now button.

  6. Read the terms and conditions then click the box (1) to accept the agreement and the Continue to Draft Coach (2) button.

Google Docs

  1. Click the Google Waffle (1) and select Docs (2).

  2. Open a document or select Blank. Turnitin works by checking the document after text has been entered. The similarity check can be run up to three times per document. Citations and grammar can be checked as often as needed.
  3. Click the Extensions (1) menu item, hover over or click Turnitin Draft Coach (2), then click Turnitin Draft Coach (3) to open the toolbar.
  4. Click the Get Feedback Now button.
  5. Read the terms and conditions then click the box (1) to accept the agreement and the Continue to Draft Coach (2) button.

Similarity check

The similarity check allows you to see if your writing matches Turnitin’s collection of internet content, other student papers, and academic journals before submitting your work. The similarity check can be run up to three times per document so it is recommended to run it after completing a draft of the document.

  1. Click the Similarity tab or the Go to Similarity link.

  2. Click the Run Similarity Check button. The links on this menu provide more information from Turnitin about similarity checks.

  3. The similarity check can be run up to three times per document. Click the Confirm button.

  4. Turnitin will process the document and return a percentage showing the overall similarity (1). The document will be highlighted (2) where similarity is detected to Internet sources, publications, and submitted work. The similarity percentage will be shown for each match. The View Full Report (3) button can be used to find more information about the matched sources. A new browser tab will open with the full report. After making changes, click the Run New Similarity Check (4) button.
    Turnitin provides more information on Interpreting your results.
    : The matches may be different than what your instructor would see after the document is submitted for grading. The results should be used as a general guide between drafts.

Citations Check

The citations check lets you identify and fix missing citations and references in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles. The citations check does not check to see if references are in the correct format.

  1. Click the Citations tab or the Go to Citations link.

  2. Click the Run Citations Check button.
  3. Turnitin will process the document and show the number of citations and references found as well as the detected format. Any issues will be highlighted in the document (1) and be shown in the Issues section (2). Click an issue for a detailed explanation and suggestions to fix the issue. After changes are made, click the Run New Citations Check (3) button.
    Note: The citations checked does not check the legitimacy of references or citations, only if all references are cited in the document.

Grammar Guide

The grammar guide can be used to find grammar mistakes and make edits using instant, in-depth guidance.

  1. Click the Citations tab or the Go to Grammar link.

  2. Click the Run Citations Check button.
  3. Turnitin will process the document and show the number of grammar issues. Any issues will be highlighted in the document (1) and be shown in the Issues section (2). Click an issue for a detailed explanation and suggestions to fix the issue. After changes are made, click the Run Grammar Check (3) button.

Resource Video:

Keywordsturnitin, draft coach, similarity, citations, grammar, writing assistance, proofreading, grammar check, plagiarism detection, citation support, academic writing guidance, language improvement, editing suggestions, paraphrasing assistance, research support, ed tech, edtech   Doc ID129369
OwnerJohn C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2023-06-27 12:43:23Updated2023-09-22 09:11:03
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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