Microsoft Office Apps - iPad

  1. Download Microsoft Office, Excel, and/or PowerPoint from iTunes, Google Play, or Microsoft Store.

  2. Open app.

  3. Tap Sign In.
    Ipad Office Sign In

  4. Type in your student email address, tap Next.
    Sign in prompt

  5. Tap Work account.
    Account Type prompt

  6. Enter your student email and CVTC password, tap Sign In.
    Office sign in prompt

  7. Tap Create and Edit Documents.
    Continue prompt

***Please note that screen shots may differ from device to device. These screenshots were taken on an iPhone 7 Plus using Microsoft Word.

Related Articles:

Install Office 2016 on Your Home PC
Install Office 365 on Your Mac
Microsoft Office OneDrive - iPad
Activate Office 365 on Your PC
Activate Office 365 on your Mac
Activate Office 365 on your Smart Device
Office Training Center

KeywordsCVTC iPad app set up setup download install office word excel powerpoint power point 365 o365 free microsoft   Doc ID44834
OwnerJessica C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2014-11-12 14:54:59Updated2023-05-26 11:20:00
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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