Transcripted Credit - Verify Rosters

Please log in to SIS and check your student roster(s). Directions are attached. Check for correct spelling and ensure all of the students are in your class. Please note that some of your students may not have chosen to register for Transcripted Credit, if they did they will not be on your CVTC SIS roster. If you find misspellings, students that shouldn’t be on your roster, or missing students please let us know. Please check your roster and email with confirmation that your roster is correct or needs changes. Let us know the course and the CRN for student information changes. If you run into problems logging in contact the help desk at 715-830-5555, however, if they cannot help you please let us know. If your students were just signed up by a CVTC Pre-College Specialist you may want to wait a few days until you check your roster.

  1. Log into Commons.

  2. Click SIS, at the top of the page.

  3. Click Faculty.

  4. Select Class List.
    • The Email link only works on a campus computer where your Outlook account has already been activated. Use Canvas for an easier way to email your students.

  5. Select a Term, from the drop-down menu.
    Click Submit.
    • Verify that you select the credit term, not CEU (non-credit Term).

  6. From the list of courses, click the row you would like to view.

  7. To print, select the print icon in the upper right hand corner:

  8. To print rosters for another course, repeat steps 3-7

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cvtc roster hs high school transcripted credit sis common commons faculty course courses print enter class list classes term terms fall spring summer winter semester 
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Jessica C. in Chippewa Valley Technical College
Chippewa Valley Technical College