KnowBe4 - Security Training

Home Internet Security Start Course

This course is designed to assist you and all members of your family in making wise decisions when it comes to Internet usage. Use password homecourse to start down the path of ensuring you and your family are safe on the sometimes dark web.

Start HOME Course

If you are a CVTC Employee please complete the Employee Training here.

Related Articles:

KnowBe4 - CVTC Employee Training
Outlook - Phish Alert Button (PAB)
Outlook Web App - Phish Alert Button
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Phishing Techniques
Common Phishing Scams
Phishing Examples
Phishing and Spoofing
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How Phish-Prone Are You?


KeywordsTrain training home internet security phish phishing email e mail e-mail password passwords online bank banking identity theft safe malware mal ware personal information confidential protect protecting children credential credentials crack cracking vulnerable vulnerability phish phishing spoof spoofing ransom ransomware breach hot spot hotspot encryp encrypted data diligence attach surf surfing download down load downloads secure securing network wifi wi fi router browser know b 4 knowbfor knowb4 for be four stolen student students family home attack cyber dark web know be4 spam   Doc ID95871
OwnerJessica C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2019-11-15 13:07:36Updated2023-06-16 13:37:47
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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