Microsoft Teams - Web Version

  1. Log into Commons.

  2. Click Email, at the top of the page.

  3. Click App launcher, in the upper left hand corner.
    App Navigation

  4. Click Teams.
    Apps List

  5. Click Use the web app instead, if prompted.
    Download Teams Prompt

  6. Click Turn on if you want to receive notifications.
    Click Dismiss if you do not want to receive notifications.
    Notification prompt

*** Recommended browsers for the online version of MS Teams is Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Safari. Please make sure that your browsers are up to date or you may not be able to use all the features. Teams online is NOT supported in Mozilla Firefox.

Related Articles:

Microsoft Teams - Quick Start Guide
Microsoft Teams - Install
Microsoft Teams - Screen Sharing
Microsoft Teams - Create Meeting

Keywordscvtc microsoft teams ms msteams team web online browser   Doc ID104913
OwnerJessica C.GroupChippewa Valley Technical College
Created2020-08-13 10:41:27Updated2023-06-19 07:39:23
SitesChippewa Valley Technical College
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